
Dan's Dispatch

by Dan Marzullo

I write a weekly career advice newsletter to help you forge your own path and do work you love. Join 3,500+ readers every week. 👇

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How to energy audit your work

When was the last time you did an Energy Audit of your work? If you ever feel like some parts of your work turbo-charge your day while others leave you running on empty, it might be time for an Energy Audit. This exercise can be a game-changer if you feel unmotivated or uninspired by your work. Here’s how it works... Reflect on your typical workday. Which tasks make you feel like you're winning the Grand Prix, and which have you crawling to the pit stop? Write down all the tasks you perform...

3 months ago • 1 min read

As we step into the first few days of the new year, the idea of setting new goals is likely swirling around in your thoughts. Maybe you're armed with a list of resolutions or simply thinking through a few new habits to weave into your life. Regardless of your mindset, here's an idea to consider to help you smash your goals this year. Whatever they may look like for you. Many of us unknowingly start off on the wrong foot by framing our goals in a negative context. How? By setting avoidance...

5 months ago • 2 min read

Today, we're diving into a topic we've all danced with at some point—imposter syndrome. A phenomenon often tied to self-doubt and the pursuit of perfection. Or that sneaky feeling that maybe we're not cut out for this greatness we're striving for. What if we reframed imposter syndrome as a positive indicator of growth rather than a signal of inadequacy? Imposter syndrome pushes you to grow Consider this: when we step outside our comfort zones and take on challenges, we inevitably encounter...

5 months ago • 1 min read

When was the last time you challenged a negative thought you had? How we think (positively or negatively) sets the stage for how we feel, influencing our actions. Like a domino effect, the cycle continues, gaining momentum with each thought and action. The bottom line is this: our relationship with our thoughts is a big deal. We often let our negative thoughts or feelings dictate how we move through the world. But how can we manage them more proactively? We can train ourselves to reframe...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Every article on Forbes or Entrepreneur echos the same advice, "more self-care, finding balance, or take a break." This overplayed, generic advice only addresses the symptoms of burnout, not the root cause. I dive much deeper into this in my burnout masterclass, but it's essential to address the root cause, which often gets sidelined in the conversation. If you follow the typical advice, you’ll likely find yourself in a cycle of “rest, grind, burnout, rest, grind,, grind, and...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Lately, my LinkedIn feed has been littered with posts of layoffs and more people #OpentoWork, especially in the tech space. I've had more conversations than usual with others suffering setbacks in their businesses or getting let go from their roles as they try to figure out what's next. When was the last time you experienced some adversity in your personal or professional life? Maybe you can relate to the situation above. Or perhaps you're dealing with something else entirely. Regardless of...

7 months ago • 1 min read

Are you on the brink of a pivot in your career or business?Making a career shift is never simple. It requires introspection, risk-taking, and a leap of faith.That said, ask yourself three questions before taking the leap:1. What are my strengths, and how do they align with my future goals?2. Is there an intersection between what I love doing and what the world needs?3. How does this pivot align with my core values?Being honest with yourself during the process will help you make better...

7 months ago • 1 min read

A reader recently asked, "Is it weird I only view work as an exchange of time for money?" It's easy to assume thathe may not be doing work that allows him to use his strengths and feel energized every day. Or that if he understood his values more clearly, he'd know what he was working for. Regardless of opinions, many people simply have different perspectives on work based on how they were raised, false assumptions, or other environmental factors. Most people see work from one of three...

7 months ago • 2 min read

Have you ever had a near-death experience? Or have you faced a traumatic event? If you have, it probably made you question your values. Many people say they've experienced a shift or change in perspective on how they live their lives as a result. They report a greater appreciation for life, family, friends, etc. My closest experience to something like this was suffering a head injury during my sophomore year of college. I was mountain biking, lost control, and fell head-first on a large rock...

8 months ago • 2 min read

Have you ever been so engrossed in a challenging task that you completely lost track of time, experiencing immense joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment as you worked? Have you ever found yourself seamlessly transitioning between jobs, with time flying by, and before you knew it, hours had passed? That feeling you experienced is called flow. Flow, or “being in the zone,” is a state of being fully immersed and engaged in an activity to the point where you feel a deep sense of enjoyment. For...

8 months ago • 1 min read
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