
Dan's Dispatch

A near-death experience

Published 8 months ago • 2 min read

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Or have you faced a traumatic event?

If you have, it probably made you question your values.

Many people say they've experienced a shift or change in perspective on how they live their lives as a result. They report a greater appreciation for life, family, friends, etc.

My closest experience to something like this was suffering a head injury during my sophomore year of college.

I was mountain biking, lost control, and fell head-first on a large rock face. Even though I wore a helmet, the impact was severe enough to knock me out. My two riding buddies had to drag me off the trail and take me to the ER.

The year and a half that followed was pure hell.

I battled post-concussion syndrome, neck issues, vertigo, and a slew of other medical issues.

Thankfully, I no longer deal with any of these problems today, but the experience gave me a new outlook and appreciation for life. Since then, I no longer take my physical or mental health for granted.

Another example...

There's a tale about a lawyer who happened to be staying in the hotel adjacent to the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Before the hotel collapsed shortly after the towers, he was at the height of his career and didn't want to leave behind important paperwork and case documents for an upcoming trial.

He barely made it out of the building before it fell.

Since that day, he's reported a new perspective on life, prioritizing family time and enjoying life outside of work more than he had previously.

Regardless of whether or not you've had a near-death experience, sometimes it can be helpful to remember the Latin phrase "Momento Mori," which translates to "remember you must die."

The phrase isn't meant to be morbid but to serve as a reminder to appreciate life because it will be over one day. So, remember what's truly important to you.

Confronting your mortality isn't a comfortable subject or something many like to do. But it can be a helpful strategy to remind you to live a life in alignment with your core values.


According to a Cornell study, 76% of people die with the same regret —they never lived up to their potential because they accepted a mediocre life.

As you make decisions about your business or career, consider these questions to be more intentional about your work and life:

  • Before you leave this world, someone asks what you think the most important things in life are. How do you reply?
  • You have one last message that will be engraved in your headstone. What does it say?
  • You have one last chance to impact someone's life before you leave this world. Who is this person? What will you do?
  • How would you like to be remembered?
  • How would you like to have spent your time?
  • What was your legacy?

I hope these questions help spark some new insights for you!

Your coach,

Dan Marzullo

P.S. By the way... whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

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Dan's Dispatch

by Dan Marzullo

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